James Jowett


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AOI for 2 in 1 Out Linear Cylinder Control and fault report.

25.00 (CAD)

Upon a Cylinder Down Request (Cmd_CylDwn) extend the Cylinder (Out_Extend) and start the internal timer. If the Header head isn't confirmed down (In_CylDwn) then check if the time is greater than the maximum time Setpoint Cfg_CylFltTime) if so then raise the alarm (Alm_ExtFault), else continue checking whilst timer runs.

Upon a Cylinder Up Request (Cmd_CylUp) extend the Cylinder (Out_Retract) and start the internal timer. If the Header head isn't confirmed up (In_CylUp) then check if the time is greater than the maximum time Setpoint (Cfg_CylFltTime) if so then raise the alarm (Alm_RetFault), else continue checking whilst timer runs.